Ohana Bible Study Groups
What is Ohana?
Ohana is the Hawaiian word for family. The idea of family is based solely on the principles of a relationship with each other and with God. The Bible uses these same ideals in relating how important it is to depend on God with those who are close to you.
“You are no longer strangers and foreigners, but members of the household of God”
Ohana groups are built on the New Testament model for the family of God. These groups are gathered in two different facets.
OHANA – Small groups of people meeting in homes for spiritual and social growth.
HOSANNA – Large gatherings in public places for praise and corporate worship.
Why is Ohana Effective?
Ohana groups is that simple and effective way of reaching out to others in sharing the good news about Jesus Christ.
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”
Ohana groups create a personal atmosphere that helps to nurture the spiritual growth of each member of the Ohana. Within the group, members will be able to rely on each other and gain new perspective when studying the Word.
How does an Ohana Group Function?
Ohana begins with small groups of people that can consist of a maximum of 12 people. A healthy Ohana group is a group that meets on a weekly basis. It is vitally important to establisha routine in meeting with your Ohana. Ohana can grow over time as any member of that Ohana is encouraged to invite others to join in as we spread the good news of Jesus Christ. If you are interested in joining an Ohana “Bible Study” Group, contact us today!